Thursday, September 15, 2011

Power Struggle

Protection--the government tries so hard to employ safety regulation. But does it actually help?

A recent requirement from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will mandate the 47% reduction of emissions from Texan power plants by 2012. As Claire Cardona reported in The Texas Tribune on Tuesday, the EPA's rule has angered many in the power industry.

A major objection to the requirement is the manner it was put in place. Texas was not originally part of the rule, so other states (such as Kansas and Oklahoma) where informed of the requirements a year before Texas. Lack of time is what makes compliance so hard for Texan power companies. In fact, a major power producer has filed suit against the EPA because they fear the time limit may force them to lay off hundreds. Though the regulations seem sudden, the article points out that companies should have expected regulations of this sort.

Will this turn out as another state vs. federal boxing match? All we can do is wait and watch these events unfold.

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